
Shipping Services

We are shipping from “Gio Trading” office in China, to the agents’ offices or the specific destinations selected by customers and business by air and sea.

Our company is working to communicate with the shipping companies, and insure the cargo containers, and preparing the necessary paperwork, and begin the process of choosing shipping container type and size appropriate to the type and quantity of the goods required.

After that, the company reserves the containers and are consistent with the appropriate shipping company, and transfer the agreed goods from warehouses, and arrange them in professional manner, and then the company’s staff supervise the numbering of goods and sorted it in way made the emptying process easier on arrival.

Our employees work on ensuring that containers Close tightly and then loaded onto the delivery vehicle, to be officially shipped, and in the meantime, our specialists will accomplish customs paperwork required, and completed the billing process and prepared the certificates of origin, as well as any other papers may be requested by the customer.

Shipping rates vary from company to company and “Gio Trading” works always to secure the best price for its customers.

It’s not about the completion of the purchase and shipping process, but also “Gio Trading” company provides all the answers to all question came from traders, businessmen and interested about the products price and shipping wage rates and toll.

The service “door to door” provided by “Gio Trading” company, ensure that traders and businessmen will have a complete rest and acquaintance, starting from search for the required products at reasonable prices, and then buy them and put them in a safe and guarantor of the safety of cargo warehouses, until the payment of taxes and customs clearance and shipped, down its destination.

The company offers the preparation of studies on the economic viability of the various projects wishing to take off through the Chinese market service.

The study include defining best arises from the Chinese market requirements for the project, and the development of an integrated and appropriate action plan.

“Gio Trading” depends in its study on previous experiences with companies and businessmen who cooperated with, along with  the unique experience in Chinese market, durable integrated and communicate with representatives in Europe, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Russia, who have access on a daily basis on the labour markets variables in those countries , to reach a clearer picture, and submit it to the customer.

It’s enough for you to communicate with “Gio Trading” via phone or e-mail, tell us about the type of service you want (business trip to China – General Information – Commercial Study – Import – …) and after that, leave everything and count on us.

After your inquiring about a particular product in order to import it, “Gio Trading” collect information that interest you and advise you on the types of companies that offer this product, and work on a study of prices and offers available, to be presented to you as soon as possible, accompanied by appropriate suggestions and tips.

If you want to live a shopping experience in China, and oversee the process of buying your product, or shopping other products in China, “Gio Trading” provides you with instructions to get a visa to travel to China, and provide you with the best flight offers, and equip you to a schedule for the trip.

When you arrive in China, “Gio Trading” headquarters staff work on find an appropriate place / hotel, commensurate with the Arab and Islamic traditions, you also get an interpreter to take you to the facilities, markets, industrial and commercial cities desired.

Our guide who we send with you, will look for best offers for you, and gets you samples of goods, and guaranteed to negotiate with the sources in professional ways and to access to Winning trades.

“Gio Trading” continue in provide services to you right up to the moment you leave China, after we have inspected your goods which is shipped to the desired destination.